Browse our range of children's picture books
The Problem Shared
A brave squirrel uses teamwork and some bright ideas to solve a young girl’s problem. Sebastian, a noble squirrel from the Redfoot clan, is on his way to a huge family feast when he encounters Olive, a girl in desperate need. Her farm is parched, her bucket leaks, and her future looks bleak. Torn between […]
Honey the Hen
A young girl and her pet chicken share a heartwarming and unbreakable friendship, cherishing their time together. Mikaela lives a wholesome life with her family. Devoted to the care of her animals, she forges a close bond with the adorable Honey, a hen who is always happy to see her. But when Honey gets sick, […]
Wattle (the Rhino) at Large
A rhino longs to return to Taronga Zoo, and she has just the plan! Dreaming of seeing her friends at Sydney’s Taronga Zoo once more, Wattle the rhino plans a daring escape from the quiet, lonely nights at Western Plains Zoo. With help from her faithful friend, Bruce the magpie, she discovers an ingenious way […]
The Tug of the Plug
Bathtime for Wiley is turned into adventure when he gets sucked down the plughole. Join Wiley the crocodile on a wild adventure that starts with a belly flop and ends with a daring escape. Wiley loves bathtime but does not expect to get sucked into an underground lair with a hideous creature, become a potential […]
My Name Is Hugo Bear
A teddy bear fears being forgotten—until he finds a new role in the family. Hugo Bear is a teddy on a heartfelt journey to rekindle a connection with his owner, Ruby. Hugo always loves seeing Ruby, but when she returns home one day, she starts to ignore him. Feeling lost and wondering if Ruby has […]
Unicorns Do NOT Exist (YES, They Do!)
Unicorns DO exist, and Isla is going to prove it — even if she has to tell a few fibs along the way. Unicorns DO exist, and Isla is going to prove it. She tries everything she can think of to convince Tommy that unicorns are real: trails of glitter, a fake horn from a […]
Allan Finds His Wings
Born unable to fly, Allan the cockatiel watches his friends soar and wonders what he can become when he finishes school. Born with one wing larger than the other, Allan the cockatiel is unable to fly. Watching his friends in the sky, he worries about his future after he finishes school. But when a friendly […]
Earth’s Moving Day
Mia and her friend Zach attempt to fix Earth by cooling the planet down. Mia loves to fix small things but decides to fix something bigger—Earth. With help from her friend Zac, Mia learns about the effects of greenhouse gasses and decides to move Earth to a cooler place in the solar system. But when […]
A Dinosaur Ate My Homework
When his homework is snatched away by a dinosaur, a young boy dares to retrieve it! Did you know that dinosaurs absolutely love to eat homework? It’s true! All that paper is made from trees, so it’s a tasty snack for plant eaters! But when a young boy’s maths assignment is suddenly snatched away, he […]
Frankie’s Forever Family
Frankie searches for a forever family until he finally finds someone who speaks his language—Dog. Frankie’s Forever Family is the heartwarming tale of a sprightly rescue dog on a quest to find a forever home. The local park hosts a Forever Friends Day, and Frankie tries to impress potential owners with his tricks and charm […]
Mallee and the Blue Gum
Mallee the koala and her animal friends help restore their forest after a devastating bushfire. When a devastating bushfire ravages the land where Mallee the koala lives, she clings to her tree, hoping for safety. As the fires die down, the land is still hot, so Mallee must wait. When she can finally venture to the […]
Cartwheeling Sally and Jumping Jack Jim
Cartwheeling Sally and Jumping Jack Jim prove that restless kids can be heroes in their own unique way. Cartwheeling Sally and Jumping Jack Jim just can’t keep still—no matter how much they’re told to! Whipping and whirling, wriggling and jiggling, their bodies have a mind of their own—until the time comes when their skills are […]
The Real Me
A boy wants to improve his confidence through the magic of dance. Max isn’t the most confident person in the world— and he certainly doesn’t want to embarrass himself by dancing! Practicing his moves, Max just can’t get it right—until his best friend Leo steps in. With some new moves and his confidence growing, Max […]
Flowers from Felix
Through simple acts of kindness, Felix brightens the day of everyone he meets. Felix is excited. He has a beautiful bunch of flowers to give Nanna for her birthday. On the way to Nanna’s house, Felix discovers his friend Olivia is feeling sad, so Felix gives her a flower. As he continues to Nanna’s house, […]
Hugo keeps stopping to collect rubbish, but Poppy wants him to hurry. How can Hugo make her see how important this is? Hugo and his sister Poppy enjoy taking walks around the lake, but Hugo is always stopping to look for rubbish. When it starts to rain, Poppy wants him to hurry up — and […]
Wonder Wings
When Murtle the Turtle becomes trapped in plastic, Zelda the magic ladybug and her friends are there to save the day. Follow Poppy and Enviro Joe as they work together with Zelda, the magic ladybug, to protect the environment. When Zelda’s glowing wings lead them to Murtle the Turtle, trapped in plastic and struggling to breathe, they […]
The Very Lonely Cassowary
A lone cassowary journeys north to be with others of her kind and learns that being different can be a strength. Connie is a cassowary living on Australia’s Gold Coast. Unable to fly, she feels different to the birds around her. But when Connie discovers that cassowaries can be found living in the tropical far north of […]
The Land of Nope
Come on a journey to the Land of Nope, to where backwardsspeaking Nopians sit beneath the noponut tree. Sail away to a quirky, tropical paradise in “The Land of Nope”. Join our brave narrator on a whimsical journey to meet the hairy, friendly Nopians, who speak backwards and shuffle on hot sand. With playful rhymes […]
Poheebee and Her Butterflies
Though Poheebee seems brave, the butterflies in her stomach makes her adventures difficult. To everyone else, Poheebee seems to be the bravest in the bush. But what they don’t know is she has butterflies in her stomach! Poheebee is training her butterflies so that they don’t flutter this way and that while she is doing […]
Muffin McFluff
Villainous kitty Muffin McFluff hates Hugly von Hound, but today she’s going to get rid of him for good. Feline Muffin McFluff may look cute as a button, but beneath her pink fur, her desires are rotten. She wants to dispatch with poor Hugly von Hound… but each time she kicks him, he just comes […]
Where on Earth is Mum?
Mum’s late, and she’s never late. That’s how Evie and Jack know she must be very far away. Mum’s late. And she’s NEVER late. She must be somewhere very far away. Maybe she’s in Egypt, says Jack. How about Antarctica? suggests Evie. Or what about… on the moon? Hopefully, she’ll be here soon… A delightful […]
Top Dog School
Jessie the cat knows he’s strong enough to keep up at Top Dog School — but can he convince the dogs of that? Jessie the Cat wants to join Top Dog School. He knows he is smart enough and strong enough — he just needs to convince the dogs, too! Can Jessie work his way […]
Sol Plays the World
When Sol’s feelings become too much, he turns to a range of international musical instruments to express himself. There are times when Sol finds his emotions to be overwhelming, so he turns to a diverse collection of musical instruments to find peace. Through exploring global sounds, Sol learns to express and manage his feelings in […]
Little Bear and the Big Hole
When Little Bear’s father dies, a Big Hole appears and won’t go away. When Little Bear’s father dies, a Big Hole appears and won’t go away. Most other animals ignore the hole, but one day Squirrel comes and sits with Little Bear. With Squirrel next to him, it is easier somehow, and they talk about […]
The Not-so-Little Tree
A joyous celebration of life’s journey and the joys and sorrows of growing up, beautifully told through the metaphor of a tiny tree who longs to be bigger. In this moving tale of friendship, nature and the cycle of life, a little seedling longs to be bigger. A big tree tells him to be patient, […]
The Argonaut Queen
Dive into the story of the Argonaut Queen and the woman who studied them, Jeanne Villepreux-Power. Dive into the oceans — and into the depths of history — with the Argonaut Queen, an expertly-told story that weaves together the marine science of these fascinating creatures and the woman who we have to thank for it, […]
Frederic the Mouse Finds a House
Tired of his house, Frederic the mouse sets out to find another but learns that there is no place like home. Bored of living in a hole in the floor, Frederic the mouse decides that it is time to move out and find a new house. There are many options to choose from – Pigeon’s […]
Wooly Biscuits
When Biscuits the sheep is sheared, his best friend sets out to cheer him up. Jack shares a strong bond with his family and best friend Biscuits the sheep, so when Biscuits is sheared, Jack wants to make sure that he feels warm and happy. After learning that his family will use Biscuits’ wool to […]
When Grandma Comes To Play
Grandma is coming to play, and Mollie can’t wait. What might they get up to? Grandma is coming to play, and Mollie is SO excited. What will they do together? Play at the park? Visit the zoo? Or maybe they’ll just hang around at home. Whatever it is, Mollie knows it’ll be the BEST time. […]
The Blustery Day
Oat and Barley build a kite but when they go to fly it, the blustery wind takes Oat with it. On a blustery day, Oat and Barley decide to fly a kite. Though Barley worries it’s a bit too windy for kite flying, Oat is enthusiastic and takes the lead. Together they build the it […]
Poppy’s Monster
Poppy’s anxiety monster is making her miserable until one day she realises her monster might just be frightened too. Poppy’s very brave, but often she gets scared and needs to hold someone’s hand. That’s when she knows her monster is around. She has all sorts of ways to help her not feel afraid, but none […]
A Butterfly Fluttered by My Eye
Straying into the bush brings on an encounter with all sorts of creepy crawlies… and some even less friendly critters! Playing on rhyme and sound, “A Butterfly Fluttered by My Eye” explores the perils of the Australian bush through the perspective of an over-inquisitive child who has wondered where they shouldn’t. A clever mix of […]
The Mouse Who Tried To Fly
Fred the mouse dreams of flying, but when his soaring turns sour, he discovers he’d rather be at home instead! Fred the mouse dreams to fly, up, up and over the world. But when he floats up out of bed, rain and hail fall on his head! Not liking the turn his adventure has taken, […]
The Tumbleys
The Tumbleys are too clumsy, and something must be done! Good thing there’s a chicken here to fix it. The Tumbleys are a very clumsy family. Mr Tumbley tumbles over big things. Mrs Tumbley tumbles over small things. And the Tumbley children all tumble over each other. There is far too much tumbling – something […]
Giselle Giraffe
Giselle doesn’t like her height. Though covering it up with clothes doesn’t work, a helpful sight might… Unhappy with her height, Giselle the giraffe decides to change her style to hide her major flaw. But the hats don’t work, the rings are too small, and the scarves nowhere NEAR long enough. And don’t even ask […]
Bud and Buzz
Bud is just a small blossom that no bug wants to dance with. ‘Bee’ patient Bud – your beau will come. Bud is just a tiny flower in Grandpa’s garden that few people see and no insects want to dance with. That is, until after a downpour, when Bud receives a visit from a bee […]
Where is Everyone?
Billy wakes up to find his friends have all disappeared. Where is everyone? When Billy the corella cockatoo wakes up, his friends are nowhere to be seen. Where have they gone? Though he asks everyone where they have gone, none of the other bush animals know where they might be. Why doesn’t he go ask […]
Speedy the Weedy
Urchins are eating Speedy’s home, so he sets off with his eggs to find a safe place for them to hatch. Speedy the weedy seadragon spends his days posing for divers in his seafloor home – until a new current sweeps in invasive urchins! Carrying his eggs on his tail, he bravely sets off in […]
Cherry The Chook
A chicken searches everywhere to find her lost egg and sees it everywhere with hilarious consequences. A chicken named Cherry wakes up after a nap to find her egg has disappeared from her nest, so she sets off to find it with increasingly hilarious consequences. Cherry thinks she sees her egg, but finds a hatching […]
Mini Moe
When Annie leaves the door open, a hungry chicken and her dog best friend cause chaos inside the house. Two things rule Mini Moe’s roost—food and fun. And today, like every day, Mini Moe is starving hungry and ready to play with her dog friend, Ted. So, when their human Annie leaves the back door […]
Stay Close
Roly and Mum must find a new home where seagrass still grows abundant, but the journey promises to be perilous. A peaceful bay once brimmed with dugongs, but now it’s only Roly and his Mum. Pollution has killed all the food, and everyone else has moved away. Starving from the scarce seagrass, Mum tells […]
Cowboy Cam
Cowboy Cam has found the perfect props for his wild west set, but there’s a problem–his grandparents are wearing them! Cowboy Cam and his cousin Poppy are in need of some wild west attire to complete their outfit, and luckily they know just where to find some. But after filching Grandad’s hat and Grandma’s boots, […]
Sustainable Sam
A rat and his community save themselves from hunger through teamwork and growing their own food. When the humans start composting their food waste, Sam and his rat community go hungry. But Sam has learned to read, and he quickly comes up with a plan for them to become self-sufficient and grow their own food. […]
Just One Piece
A cake delivery goes awry when two friends give away all the pieces before they reach their destination… Frederick and Roger are delivering a cake to Herbert the Hedgehog, but he lives so very far away. Stopping for directions, they exchange pieces of cakes for help and sweet treats, not noticing their delicious delivery is […]
Huxley’s Home
Huxley’s shell is too small, but his mission to find a new home is hampered by an ocean of litter. Huxley the hermit crab spends his days feasting on the delicious algae surrounding his ocean reef. When Huxley realizes that his shell has become too tight, he sets off on an adventure to find a […]
The Ribbit-Ribbit Pond
A bilingual story about frogs that promotes positive values around immigration and multiculturalism. The Ribbit-Ribbit Pond tells the story of a group of Croac-Croac frogs and their arrival at the Ribbit-Ribbit Pond. Concerned about their “otherness,” one Ribbit-Ribbit frog describes how exotic the newcomers are. But after spending time with them, the main character realises […]
Squirrel Takes the Cake
A sweet tale about a greedy squirrel who discovers the joy of sharing cake with friends. Squirrel loves cake. But Squirrel refuses to share cake with friends. After realising he is too full to play, Squirrel learns he has been greedy. Will he make it up to his friends? Dr Danielle Camer is a professional […]
One Pedal at a Time
One boy’s curious journey of learning to ride a bike through grit, determination and a sprinkling of bravery, one pedal at a time. One Pedal at a Time is a heartwarming story full of curiosity, a little self doubt and a sprinkling of bravery. Parker takes us along for the ride as he navigates through […]
I Hate Honey
Crash, a grumpy bear cub, discovers the vital role bees have in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. In “I Hate Honey,” a grumpy Crash’s dislike for rain, breakfast, and honey leads him to confront a hive full of bees. When trying to stop their honey production, Crash learns about the crucial role bears and bees have […]
Crash and the Dark
A brave bear named Crash seeks light when darkness falls, and through resilience, learns to navigate the night. Embark on a delightful bedtime journey with Crash the bear as he fearlessly challenges the darkness and searches for the comfort of light. Set in an ominous and strange nocturnal wilderness, Crash learns to overcome his fears […]
A Cub Called Crash
Guided by his mother, a young bear learns important life lessons before finally finding his true calling. Join the adventures of a young bear cub named Crash in this heartwarming tale as he discovers the wonders of the wilderness with his loving mother. Set in a beautiful, yet hazardous natural environment, Crash needs to learn […]
Be Brave, Lucy
Join Lucy and her beloved companion, Daisy, on their heart-warming journey of love, courage, and friendship. Embark on a heart-warming journey with ‘Be Brave, Lucy,’ a delightful tale that captivates the bonds of courage and friendship. Join Lucy and her beloved teddy, Daisy, as they explore the wonderful world of kindergarten. Wrapped in Mummy’s comforting […]
Seed Magic
Seed Magic has been awarded a Kirkus Star. A beautifully illustrated story that explores how the tiniest creatures prepare for chilly months. As he gathers food for the winter, Anxious Ant disturbs the garden peace. But Little Spider has a better idea—Seed Magic! She shows Anxious Ant how to grow a giant spring feast, so […]
The Wary Werewolf
A wary werewolf wants to be liked, but everyone is scared of him, except a little dog who won’t leave him and transforms him. Werewolves are supposed to be scary, but this werewolf is wary of everyone and everything! All he wants is to be liked, but everyone is afraid of him, no matter what […]
Dee the Bee
A descriptive picture book about the fruits and vegetables bees pollinate. Pollination is a very important part of the life cycle of plants. This title explores the role of bees in the pollination process. Readers will see that many of their favourite fruits, vegetables and plants depend on the hard work of bees. Full-colour illustrations […]
The Worry Warthog
Set in an African jungle, a warthog realises that everyone has worries and how to handle his worries. What are some of your worries? Ralph the worried warthog has plenty of worries, and they all seem impossible to overcome. A hedgehog helps show Ralph that this is certainly not the case. The lion is scared […]
The Flying Light
A beautiful wordless story that depends on each viewer’s unique perspective. Enter a mystical world where a man and his strange pet lizard attempt to lure luminous flying creatures to their town. Through innovative wordless storytelling and wonderfully detailed panel illustrations that invite children to use their imagination, this story will light up the lives […]
Brown Bear Can’t Sleep
A crafty bear devises a clever plan while the rest of his friends sleep through the freezing winter. It is the coldest day of winter, and most of the animals have gone to bed. But Brown Bear can’t fall asleep. He wants to go outside, but he needs a disguise so the cold-loving animals won’t […]
We Love Our Dad
A day in the life of a seemingly hopeless, mistake-making dad, whose children know he is the world’s best dad after all. In this light-hearted and cheerful story, three kids recount their funny experiences with the world’s most hopeless dad. He is a dad who balances looking after his kids and working from home. He’s […]
Lost in the Forest
Pip the takahē bird is lost in the forest and searches for a place to sleep, finally finding his mother and home. Pip the takahē bird is lost in the forest and searches for a place to sleep, but the other animals’ sleeping spots are wrong for him. In this wonderful bedtime story, children will […]
A funny tale of a naughty anteater who loves being the centre of attention and gets stuck when the wind changes. Arturo is a cheeky show-off and he loves to pull faces and be silly. He desperately wants to be the center of everybody’s attention and even has dreams of becoming the most famous anteater […]
A wordless picture book that illustrates the power of friendships even when communication is not possible through language. In a small village by the sea the fishermen are full of tales and myths of monsters, pirates and mermaids, but there is one myth that may be true. On a fine, clear morning the men set […]
It’s okay to feel this way
A child names and describes the various feelings she experiences and shows it is okay to feel them. A child explores her feelings, naming and describing them, showing it is okay to have a variety of feelings, and that feelings can change depending on the circumstances. With bold, colourful and simple mixed media illustrations, this […]
The Music Tree
Luke won’t play the trumpet Grandpa gave him until he discovers a seed Grandpa sent will only grow when it hears music. Luke the frog is too busy to play the trumpet his grandfather sent him, and when Grandpa sends him a seed, Luke is frustrated that it is slow to grow—until it responds to […]
Cat’s Adventures: Early Reader Collection
Join Cat and friends for five fun adventures perfect for beginning readers. Follow along as Cat meets a monster, plays with a dinosaur, and inspires new reading adventures! This early reader collection includes five simple stories told with rhyme, repetition, and fun picture clues aimed at helping young readers decode the story. Accessible vocabulary, colorful […]
Cat and Friends: Early Reader Collection
Join Cat and friends for five fun stories perfect for beginning readers. Whether she’s hosting a party or playing with friends, Little Monster makes reading engaging and fun! This early reader collection includes five simple stories told with rhyme, repetition, and fun picture clues aimed at helping young readers decode the story. Colorful illustrations and […]
Zip the Robot: Early Reader Collection
Beginning readers will delight in these five fun stories starring Zip, the world’s greatest robot. What happens when an overconfident robot meets a sensible cat? Get ready for wacky mishaps, action packed fun, and a heartwarming friendship! This collection of five fun stories is perfect for beginner preschool and kindergarten readers. It combines bold, simple […]
Little Monster: Early Reader Collection
Join Little Monster and her animal friends for five fun adventures perfect for beginning readers. Whether she’s hosting a party or playing with friends, Little Monster makes reading engaging and fun! This early reader collection includes five simple stories told with rhyme, repetition, and fun picture clues aimed at helping young readers decode the story. […]
Let’s Go Exploring
Readers find animals and objects as two children explore the natural environment in this book for emerging readers with yoga poses. Follow two children as they set off on an adventure to explore their neighborhood. Share their delight as they discover and connect with the natural environment. This book, with detailed digital gouache illustrations encourages […]
Into the Arctic
A seemingly normal trip to buy ice cream at the beach leads to an unexpected icy adventure. During a seemingly normal family trip to the beach, Oliver becomes bored. He decides to get an ice cream, but as he reaches in to grab his favourite flavour, he falls… into an enchanting icy wonderland. Together with […]
Birdy’s Tale of a Story
Birdy, a creative thinker, has an idea to write a book with George, her quirky sidekick, which takes the pair on a fun-filled, and surprising adventure. “Birdy’s Tale of a Story” is a book that encourages children to write, conceptualise or illustrate a story. The book’s aim, with some assistance from our heroine “Birdy” and […]
Jasper’s Barn
Jasper the cat is angry when Elsa the owl comes to live in his barn and hunting ground, until they become allies and friends. Jasper the barn cat loves his hunting ground and territory, the old, abandoned barn at the edge of the forest. When Elsa the owl moves in unexpectedly, Jasper is forced to […]
A Lost Kite
To find a lost kite, a boy goes on a fantastical journey in a world of quirky characters in this gorgeous wordless picture book. In this magnificently illustrated wordless picture book, a boy sees a lost kite and goes on a fantastical journey to find it, meeting a cast of curious and quirky characters on […]
How to Catch a Tiger
A funny and engaging story featuring a brave and resourceful girl with a vivid imagination who sets out to trap a tiger, only to make a surprising and hilarious discovery. Matilda is an inquisitive girl with a vivid imagination. Convinced that a ferocious tiger has been lurking in her backyard at night, brave Matilda leaps […]
Mafu The Whale
A whale who cannot sing and a lost butterfly search for her home and find the whale’s voice and self-confidence. Mafu the humpback whale travels through the turquoise seas of the South Pacific alone in search of other whales. But as he cannot sing, they cannot hear him, and as they cannot hear him, they […]
The Grass Giant
The rumble of a lawnmower sends the grass people running in search of a new life where they can truly free! The rumble of Mrs. Smith’s lawnmower sends the little grass people in her lawn running in search of a new life without human constraint and order. Holding hands, the little grass people transform into […]
Jasper’s Barn
Jasper the cat is angry when Elsa the owl comes to live in his barn and hunting ground, until they become allies and friends. Jasper the barn cat loves his hunting ground and territory, the old, abandoned barn at the edge of the forest. When Elsa the owl moves in unexpectedly, Jasper is forced to […]
A Stranger Comes to Town
Starred review from Kirkus Reviews. Selected in Kirkus’ Best Books of 2020 Picture Books category. A boy tries to help a hungry polar bear stranded in his island village but needs his grandpa’s help to get the bear home. Follow the funny story of a boy who tries to help the unexpected arrival to his […]
The Snow Fox
Left alone when his friends hibernate, Nico the fox makes a friend from snow and befriends a real snow fox in the process. Nico is a little red fox that spends spring, summer and autumn with his three friends, Ava, Olive and Linus. When his woodland friends hibernate for the winter, Nico is left all […]
Hugo The Wicked Eye
Hugo the penguin has an eye that can see things others can’t and uses it to help his friends. Hugo thinks he is a regular penguin until he goes to school, where his classmates call him Hugo the Wicked Eye, and Hugo is lonely. But when he joins a school trip to the North Pole, […]
Seven Seas of Fleas
Seven Seas of Fleas has been shortlisted in the New Illustrator category of the CBCA Book of the Year! A flying boy and seven bees are chased by fleas, but an unexpected friendship forms. Bryce McFee is an ordinary boy bored with washing the flea-ridden family dog. So, he escapes to his imagination and flies […]
Norman Blue—I’m a cocky, too
Norman wants to fit in, but he has no crest like the other cockatoos in this story about having the courage to accept yourself. Norman Blue badly wants to fit in, but he has a secret: he has no crest like the other cockatoos. He tries to do all the things cockatoos do: screeching when […]
Leggy Peggy—The toucan who can’t, until she cancan
A long-legged, dancing toucan discovers it’s hard to fit in when you’re born to stand out. Deep in the jungle, young Peggy the toucan grows unusually long, pink legs. She’s different to the others and spends her days trying – and failing – to fit in. Things change for Peggy when she discovers the wonderful […]
Colin the Chameleon
The finalists of the 2018 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards. At first, Colin is dismayed by his differences—but eventually he learns just how valuable his quirks can be. This is a gorgeous picture book that tells the story of a chameleon who, unlike his siblings, cannot change colour and therefore faces certain dangers. […]
Elena’s Shells
A sweet and simple tale of compassion and sharing. Elena is a baby Tapir with a taste for shiny, colourful shells. One day, a sneaky shell escapes from Elena’s impressive collection of wonderful seashells. Elena uses all her efforts to get it back but is faced with some big decisions about what is really important. […]
I am an artist
A beautiful hand-crafted picture book that will inspire and encourage children to create art using everyday objects from the natural environment. Who needs paint, paintbrushes and paper to create art? Not anywhere artists when there are sticks, stones, sand, mud and clouds waiting to be used! This story follows an anywhere artist, a creative little […]
Wētā Finds a Home
While searching the forest for the perfect home, a wētā encounters obstacles and predators. In the bushland, a wētā is looking for the perfect hidey hole home. But each time wētā finds what seems like the perfect spot, it is occupied by other hungry creatures, predators, and even another wētā. Readers will enjoy learning about […]
The Salmon of Knowledge
Children will enjoy the unique collage illustrations and an unexpected twist in this retelling of a traditional Irish legend about an old man seeking an enchanted fish that will give him all the knowledge in the world and a young boy hoping to become a great warrior. A creative illustrated retelling of a traditional Irish […]
Jungle Junk—reuse, recycle… reimagine!
Six animal friends decide to clean up their jungle home, make musical instruments from the junk, and start an orchestra. When six animal friends see their beautiful jungle home covered in trash, they are all shocked and dismayed. But Monkey has a plan to return their home to perfection! What if they collect all the […]
The Debonair Bear
A bear thinks the animals admire his fancy clothes and accessories but doesn’t realise his underwear is showing. A debonair bear lazes atop his lair, as the other animals gather around. He thinks they are admiring his fancy clothes and accessories, but little does he know his underwear is showing! An amusing story in rhyming […]
Mali’s Magical Day
Mali wishes to have a real adventure outside the comfort of his home, but he is unsure. With the help of a magical wind, he is drawn outside to experience the world through sounds, smell, and feel before being transported to a magical place, where he meets a monkey who needs help being brave, too. […]
Sailing to America
As his doggy friends watch from the shore, too afraid to join him, brave Captain Olly embarks on a hazardous journey to America in a rubber dinghy alone…
Muddle & Mo’s Rainy Day
An easy, enjoyable read featuring quirky animal characters and a surprise ending. Muddle and Mo are the best of friends. Muddle is a lovable, slightly confused yet enthusiastic little duckling. Mo is a long-suffering, not very adventurous goat who dislikes the rain. On a rainy day, Muddle discovers the fun of jumping and splashing around […]
Muddle & Mo’s Worm Surprise
Quirky characters, beautiful illustrations and a surprise ending make this animal story an easy and enjoyable read. Muddle and Mo are the best of friends. Muddle is a loveable, slightly confused yet enthusiastic little duckling. Mo is a long-suffering, not very adventurous goat with lots of patience. Today, Muddle is preparing a surprise picnic for […]
Lilly’s Hike
Lilly and Billy can’t imagine being apart, but when Billy wanders off, Lilly is distraught and must find her way. Lilly and Billy do everything together and can’t imagine being apart. But when Billy wanders off, Lilly is left alone, distraught, to find her own path. As she listens to nature around her, she finds […]
Whose Toes Do You Suppose?
An informative picture book where readers guess which animal the illustrated toes belong to. Featuring twelve animals and their toes, this picture book invites readers to guess which animal the toes belong to. Accompanied by many fun animal facts and detailed, lifelike illustrations, this title provides for an interactive reading experience. An enjoyable, educational resource […]
Pann the Prepared Panda
A story about thoughtfully preparing and packing for travel. One day, Pann the Panda is relaxing and eating his favorite bamboo when he hears some exciting news. He has been chosen to represent his animal kingdom on a visit to Australia to see their zoos. Pann is leaving the next day, so he must start […]
The City Dog
When he moves to a sheep ranch, a dog must cope with country life and his new unfriendly coworker. When his owner leaves him on a sheep ranch, Sandy the dog must learn how to adjust to country life, including driving sheep and deal with his new unfriendly coworker. This is a story about perseverance […]
Hey You!
Various familiar animals model the kind of household chores children can help with. Familiar animals model various household chores of the kind that children can learn to do. With bright, appealing illustrations and simple rhyming language, this book encourages participation in jobs around the house and brings out the fun in everyday chores. Colourful illustrations […]
The Wildlife Summer Games
This distinctive picture book features entertaining text and dynamic illustrations and is a unique way to introduce readers to a selection of sporting events and amazing creatures. Who do you think would win a gold medal in basketball – a team of lions, giraffes or chimpanzees? Who would swim the fastest – a tiger, a […]
The Wildlife Winter Games
The Wildlife Winter Games has been shortlisted for the Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year Award 2020! This distinctive picture book features entertaining text and dynamic illustrations and is a unique way to introduce readers to a selection of popular winter sporting events and Arctic and Antarctic creatures. Who do you think would win […]
The Crocodile Bird
Explores the alleged symbiotic relationship between crocodiles and Egyptian plovers in rhyming verse. All the creatures in the River Nile flee when they see the crocodile—all except one, that is. Unafraid, a little bird called a plover enters the crocodile’s open mouth, showing an alleged symbiotic relationship between two species. This book with rhyming verse […]
The Tale of Mr. Moon
A lonely moon accidentally falls to Earth, where he makes many new friends who help him back to the sky. When a lonely moon, looking for a friend, accidentally falls to Earth, he finds the townspeople eager to help fix him and get him back to his home, the sky. A lyrical story in rhyming […]
Mole on Patrol
Monty Mole must overcome his fear and swallow his pride when some greedy birds invade Wobbly Toad’s garden in this cute tale of garden animal friends. Mole on Patrol is a lively story of fun and friendship set in a colourful vegetable patch. Chloe Applin has created four unforgettable characters that inhabit this charming world, […]
Sam’s Treasure
A heart-warming tale of a loving friendship that forms between an old man who lives by the sea and a lost dog he finds on the shore. Sam is an eccentric old sailor who lives alone in an old tramcar by the sea. He loves scouring the beach for treasures. One morning after a big […]
The Little Kiwi’s New Year
An exciting story about native New Zealand animals waiting for the Maori New Year that is fun and educational. The Maori New Year is a time for celebrating, food and family. A little Kiwi in the New Zealand coastal bush wakes up in the middle of her sleep because she can feel it coming. One […]
Bertie’s Bottom
Bertie the baboon is proud of his bottom but is dismayed when it grows ugly spots; they eventually scare poachers away. Bertie the baboon is proud of his beautiful bottom and admired by the other animals. When his bottom develops not one, not two, but three ugly spots, Bertie tries to fix it while the […]
The Snow Fox
Left alone when his friends hibernate, Nico the fox makes a friend from snow and befriends a real snow fox in the process. Nico is a little red fox that spends spring, summer and autumn with his three friends, Ava, Olive and Linus. When his woodland friends hibernate for the winter, Nico is left all […]
A Stranger Comes to Town
Starred review from Kirkus Reviews. Selected in Kirkus’ Best Books of 2020 Picture Books category. A boy tries to help a hungry polar bear stranded in his island village but needs his grandpa’s help to get the bear home. Follow the funny story of a boy who tries to help the unexpected arrival to his […]
Tamlin’s Great Adventure
A tale of friendship between a girl and her horse and a trip around the world, where the grass isn’t always greener. Home is the best place on Earth, but an adventure is equally great. Tamlin is a very lucky horse with a great friend, Ruby. One day, a little bird tells Tamlin about the […]
Seven Seas of Fleas
Seven Seas of Fleas has been shortlisted in the New Illustrator category of the CBCA Book of the Year! A flying boy and seven bees are chased by fleas, but an unexpected friendship forms. Bryce McFee is an ordinary boy bored with washing the flea-ridden family dog. So, he escapes to his imagination and flies […]
Ape with a Cape
Ape is a hairdresser giving the jungle animals interesting haircuts in this tale of transformations. Dashing Ape has an eye for design, a knack with scissors, and a desire to transform the coiffure of everyone in the jungle. Thus, he opens Ape with a Cape, the salon of his dreams. From buzz cuts to mullets, […]
A wordless picture book with simple watercolour illustrations about a greedy raccoon who learns the benefits of sharing. A simple story with minimal text about a greedy raccoon who hoards its food until it finds a watermelon. But the watermelon is too big to hide and too heavy to move, so the raccoon enlists its […]
Little Boy George Wants to Be a Bird
A little boy dreams of being many things but ultimately just wants to be himself. Spirited little George wants to be many things: a bird with wings, a whale with a wide tail, a monkey with long and strong arms, and a lion with a golden mane. But at the end of the day, George […]
Hide and Seek
This game of hide-and-seek features colourful characters and black and white illustrations and is an imaginative way to teach colours to children. A colourful group of children plays hide-and-seek in a black and white forest. See where each child hides and what they plan to do to stay out of sight. Enjoy this simple tale, […]
The Monologue of Monster
Unique and quirky, folk-art style illustrations complement this unusual, first-person tale of a kind-hearted monster who just wants to be accepted. _Frankenstein_ as seen from the eyes of the Monster. A misfit monster wanders from village to village, looking for a place to call home, only to be driven away by terrified villagers. One day, […]
Just One More Second
An adorable tale of how staying in bed for just one more second can turn into hours. When you wake up in the morning, have you ever said to yourself, “Just one more second”? After Nick’s alarm goes off, he thinks about where he and his friends will play for the day. But there seems […]
Careful What You Wish For
Paired with colourful, eerie, unsettling images, this story presents a cautionary tale that shows that getting what you wish for is not always a good thing. Follow the journey of a man in search of treasure hidden in a strange village. The village is full of children, but there are no adults. What is the […]
A Web for All Seasons
A bored spider wants to quit spinning webs, but she can’t have new adventures without maintaining the rituals that define her. Little Spider spins her webs all day, each day, until she grows bored and declares she is done with spinning. But through each season, as she seeks the new adventures she desires, she finds […]
Whose Nose Do You Suppose?
Whose Nose Do You Suppose? has been awarded a place on the Cypress-Fairbanks ISD 2020-2021 Leaping Lizard List! Detailed, realistic illustrations invite children to guess the animal and learn about its traits. Richly detailed and realistic illustrations of various animals in their natural habitat invite children to guess which animal each nose belongs to, then […]
Have You Seen Mr. Robinson?
A shy, book-loving girl has troubling making friends until she meets a boy who is looking for the local park’s cat. Anna is a shy, booking-loving girl whose only friends are the characters in her books, but when Grandpa suggests she go outside to play, Anna has trouble talking to the other children. That is […]
An encouraging, celebratory journey through the major milestones of childhood told through a conversation-in-verse between child and grandparent. This short, joyful, rhyming picture book tells a simple story of growing up and nurturing a special relationship with a grandparent. It depicts the major milestones a young child reaches in the early years of development, such […]
The Salmon of Knowledge
Quirky collage and an unexpected twist feature in this retelling of a traditional Irish fairy tale. A creatively illustrated retelling of a traditional Irish legend about an enchanted salmon that will impart all the knowledge in the world to the first person who eats it. Finnegas, a wise, elderly poet, spends his days fishing for […]
Fantail’s Quilt
A beautifully illustrated story of a mother bird protecting her young. Mother Fantail dreams of raising a happy family, and carefully prepares her nest, while Rat sniffs around for dinner. What will happen when their paths cross? A beautifully illustrated story about a mother bird who works hard to prepare her nest and guard her […]
Bizz Buzz Boss
An anti-bullying message of tolerance and teamwork woven into a kid-friendly explanation of insects’ roles in nature. Little Spider lives a peaceful life in a peaceful corner of the garden. Every day, she is soothed by the gentle sounds of the other creatures around her. But every day, Bossy Bee arrives to shatter the peace […]
Footprints in the Clouds
A magic-filled story that illustrates the power of imagination. This is a delightful tale about a boy named Tom and his magical red socks. Tom’s adventures in faraway lands are brought to life with an imaginative story and stunning, colourful illustrations. Through the eyes of a child, readers will be taken on a magical journey […]
Elena’s Shells
A sweet and simple tale of compassion and sharing. Elena is a baby Tapir with a taste for shiny, colourful shells. One day, a sneaky shell escapes from Elena’s impressive collection of wonderful seashells. Elena uses all her efforts to get it back but is faced with some big decisions about what is really important. […]
I Need a Plan!
An amusing story that teaches problem-solving through experimentation. A little lizard is the only one who can’t enjoy playing outside in the sunshine because he is prone to sunburn. To tackle his dilemma, he comes up with a plan, selects materials, prepares, then performs a series of experiments—showing that with perseverance and determination, any problem […]
Muddle & Mo’s Rainy Day
An easy, enjoyable read featuring quirky animal characters and a surprise ending. Muddle and Mo are the best of friends. Muddle is a lovable, slightly confused yet enthusiastic little duckling. Mo is a long-suffering, not very adventurous goat who dislikes the rain. On a rainy day, Muddle discovers the fun of jumping and splashing around […]
The Croc Who Rocked
This colourful, dynamic, and fun picture book with engaging language celebrates difference and encourages children to be true to who they are. All alone, in a quiet part of the jungle, Little Croc hatches. He may be small, but he has a big voice and loves to sing. But the other animals don’t like his […]
Sailing to America
As his doggy friends watch from the shore, too afraid to join him, brave Captain Olly embarks on a hazardous journey to America in a rubber dinghy alone…
Colin the Chameleon
The finalists of the 2018 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards. At first, Colin is dismayed by his differences—but eventually he learns just how valuable his quirks can be. This is a gorgeous picture book that tells the story of a chameleon who, unlike his siblings, cannot change colour and therefore faces certain dangers. […]
Watch Out, Snail!
A finalist for the New Zeland Post’s Children’s Book Award, this is educational story follows a unique snail species exploring the forest at night. This gorgeously illustrated picture book showcases the native Powelliphanta snail on its perilous nighttime hunt. It explores the forest during the night while facing dangers along the way. A little-known New […]
Go, Green Gecko!
Follow a green gecko as it scavenges for food in this entertaining and educational story. This book follows a curious green gecko as it scavenges for food, facing other predators as it explores the bush. It also includes factual information about green geckos, their behaviour, and their life cycle—a great learning tool for children! Weaving […]
Muddle & Mo’s Worm Surprise
Quirky characters, beautiful illustrations and a surprise ending make this animal story an easy and enjoyable read. Muddle and Mo are the best of friends. Muddle is a loveable, slightly confused yet enthusiastic little duckling. Mo is a long-suffering, not very adventurous goat with lots of patience. Today, Muddle is preparing a surprise picnic for […]
You are oh so horribly handsome!
A hilarious tale of an adorable, ugly, little monster with the gross-out humour that kids love. Gregor the little monster is strong, loud, and frighteningly fast, but when he worries that he might not be handsome with his rotten, crooked teeth and his stinky, cheesy feet, he decides to ask his family and friends. With […]
Why do cats have tails?
A cozy story about grandfathers and granddaughters teasing one another. Children can come up with some pretty funny questions! Here in this warm and amusing story, Grandpa teases his granddaughters with some very unusual answers. The girls are spending time with Grandpa and his cats, rejecting all his silly answers until one of them comes […]
A Dog like That!
A Dog like That! was a finalist in the New Zealand Post Children’s Book Awards. It also won a Storylines Notable Book Award and was a LIANZA Russell Clark Award Finalist. Spotlighting the special bond that develops between a child and a pet, this book shows there is more than one way to be a good […]
Muddle & Mo
This is a lovable tale that can help children with identity and discovering what makes us all unique. This is a beautifully illustrated, simple tale about a goat called Mo who helps Muddle, a duck, realise his identity. Muddle is a lovable, slightly confused yet enthusiastic little duckling who asks lots and lots of questions. […]
I am an artist
A beautiful hand-crafted picture book that will inspire and encourage children to create art using everyday objects from the natural environment. Who needs paint, paintbrushes and paper to create art? Not anywhere artists when there are sticks, stones, sand, mud and clouds waiting to be used! This story follows an anywhere artist, a creative little […]
Snowy Night – A Story in Verse
A beautifully written intriguing and poetic story that highlights the importance of being kind and helping others. One freezing, snowy night Peter is fast asleep in his cosy house when he hears knocking at his door. Who could it be? During the storm he has three visitors but when he wakes the next morning they […]
The Ogglies Go to School
Come and join the Oggly Twins at school for a fun-filled and very messy day! The Ogglies eat rusty cans and love sticky soup. They have green skin, lumpy noses and tough teeth. The Oggly Twins go to school for the very first time to experience a fun-filled and very messy day! On the first […]
The Ogglies Go to School
Come and join the Oggly Twins at school for a fun-filled and very messy day! The Ogglies eat rusty cans and love sticky soup. They have green skin, lumpy noses and tough teeth. The Oggly Twins go to school for the very first time to experience a fun-filled and very messy day! On the first […]
The Ogglies of Smelliville
Come and join the Ogglies of Smelliville in their rubbish tip for a yucky, mucky and messy adventure! The Ogglies eat rusty cans and love sticky soup. They have green skin, lumpy noses and tough teeth. Come and meet the Oggly family, who do normal Oggly things, such as cooking bootlace soup and messing up […]