Book Description

A rat and his community save themselves from hunger through teamwork and growing their own food.

When the humans start composting their food waste, Sam and his rat community go hungry. But Sam has learned to read, and he quickly comes up with a plan for them to become self-sufficient and grow their own food. So, they find seeds, plant a garden, and learn to compost, in this story about gardening and growing vegetables, sustainability, and the importance of communities working together as a team to achieve a common goal. The beautiful artwork will inspire children by perfectly capturing the significance and fun of sustainability.

• Teaches children about sustainability, such as growing your own food, composting, and being self-sufficient.
• Shows the importance of reading and communities working together as a team to achieve a common goal.
• Detailed and colorful illustrations that demonstrate the need for sustainability and the fun that can be had in achieving this.

Greg Freeman is an environmental consultant who has a passion for writing children’s books on environmental issues. He loves developing animal characters who show humans how to better manage our environment. From fish to owls and rats, he has managed to capture young imaginations with animals who improve our environment with direct action. He lives in Port Macquarie, Australia.

Davide Ortu is an Italian artist now living in Spain. He studied Art in Cagliari Arts Lyceum Foiso Fois, Sardinia. Open melancholic spaces, atmospheres between dreams and reality, and fantastic elements are the main features of his work, where time stops to show the biggest emotions in the smallest people. A mixture of elements that can reach the fantasy of children and the heart of adults.

RRP: $24.99

Format: Hardback

ISBN: 978-1-76036-192-1

World rights available, except for Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the UK and the US.

Book Details
Greg Freeman
Davide Ortu
21.0 cm in H · 25.5 cm in W · 32 pages
Release Date:
5th August 2024
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