Book Description

A wordless picture book with simple watercolour illustrations about a greedy raccoon who learns the benefits of sharing.

A simple story with minimal text about a greedy raccoon who hoards its food until it finds a watermelon. But the watermelon is too big to hide and too heavy to move, so the raccoon enlists its friends—in exchange for some watermelon, of course! A cute, simple story about helping and sharing illustrated with simple watercolour illustrations and a limited colour palette.

  • A simple story with minimal text and cute watercolour illustrations that can be interpreted and enjoyed by kids of all ages, even the very young.
  • Shows that it’s better to share than to be greedy.
  • Shows that teamwork is its own reward.

“This gratifyingly engaging tale lets the readers in on the fun of planning and discovery while emphasizing a little perseverance. … A little imagination and then a plan and the lizards will tackle that next problem with gusto.” —Kirkus Reviews (U.S.)

The Author-illustrator

Federica Muià is an illustrator from the small village of Ivrea in Northern Italy. She studied archaeology and anthropology at the University of Turin. She moved to Cambridge in 2014 to follow her dream of becoming an illustrator and and she completed her MA in Children’s Book Illustration in 2017. Travelling, drawing, and animals are her passions, which she combines in her stories.

Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Levels

Guided Reading Level: WB

Grade Level Equivalent: n/a

 Educational Descriptions

Wordless picture book, Story elements: setting: forest, plot and character development, Greedy Raccoon, illustrations enhance meaning and tone. Comprehension strategies: get meaning from illustrations, sequence events, make inferences and draw conclusions. Themes: teamwork, greed vs sharing.

Interest Age: 2 to 5 years

RRP: $19.99

ISBN: 978-1-76036-074-0

Format: Hardback

JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Values & Virtues
JUVENILE FICTION / Social Themes / Friendship
JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Mammals

World rights available, except for Australia, Canada, China, New Zealand, the UK and the US.

Book Details
Federica Muià
Federica Muià
14.4 cm in H · 22.2 cm in W · 32 pages
Release Date:
August 2020
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